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You can share your strategy with others, AlgoCloud allows you to create a shared snippet that you can post on your website, blog or forum. You can also choose to share only strategy results, or also its pseudo code revealing its inner rules, or even allow others to clone your strategy. Note that you can share only backtest. So the strategy has to be backtested before it can be shared and you'll be sharing this particular backtest result.

Share a strategy with result

You can find a link to share strategy on the top menu or above the backtest preview window:

When you'll click on it you'll see a dialog where you can configure what everyhting will be shared.

You can fill out name of shared startegy and skin (light / dark) of the snippet. The next two settings are important:

  • Share strategy Pseudo code - if enabled, all the others will see also the pseudo code of the strategy, which can allow them to reconstruct it by themselves.
  • Allow cloning - if enabled, shared strategy snippet will include a Clone button that will allow anybody to create a clone of this strategy, edit and use this clone any way he likes. Your original strategy will remain untouched.

Be aware that if you'll publish the strategy with Pseudo code or Cloning enabled then you are essentialy giving it away to everybody for a free use. After you generated the shared strategy you'll be able to choose the look of shared snippet - full performance report, or small / tiny equity chart.

The dialog will show you the HTML code that you have to copy and paste it to your target page where you want the shared snippet to be shown. Example of full snippet:

Example of small snippet:

Example of tiny snippet:

Shared resuts

This screen is where you can see and manage all your shared strategies. You can disable a shared strategy here, or change its sharing type - for example share only result, not source code.

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